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Thousands of live births and counting, SCRC’s “Best-in-Practice” approach to patient care pays off.

Our Fertility Specialists Offer Highly Effective, Innovative Fertility Treatments

Thanks to the many breakthroughs in fertility treatment in recent years, today’s couples trying to conceive have a wide variety of infertility treatment options to discuss with their fertility doctor.

Accurate Infertility Diagnosis: the Process Starts Here

At SCRC, Treatment is a Team Effort

After you receive your diagnosis, we assemble your personal fertility team in order to develop an individualized treatment plan for you.

This team, headed by your dedicated fertility doctor, reflects SCRC’s multidisciplinary approach, marshaling the resources of reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, radiologists, patient care specialists, complementary and alternative practitioners such as acupuncturists, psychotherapists, and others.

The team approach extends to every member of the SCRC staff: from your ultrasound technician to your surgery coordinator, we recruit and assemble the best talent in each area.

We never forget that you are the most important part of the team; we make sure that the treatment plan we devise works with your particular needs and wishes, giving you the best chance of having a baby.

Types of Infertility Treatments Offered at SCRC:

Non-Surgical Fertility Treatments

Non-surgical fertility treatments (fertility medications) are usually first-line treatment for many couples who have been unable to conceive. They are most often used to treat ovulatory disorders, and consist of powerful fertility drugs and gonadotropins to induce ovulation. At SCRC, we use the latest drugs available. We support research and development efforts of major pharmaceutical companies by conducting clinical trials of novel fertility treatments, as well as newer formulations or delivery systems of existing drugs. Our patients who participate in these clinical trials are often able to receive these medications at little to no cost.

Surgical Infertility Treatments

Surgical infertility treatments are helpful in correcting pelvic abnormalities such as uterine fibroids and pelvic adhesions. Surgical correction is also used as an endometriosis treatment. The fertility specialists at SCRC use only the most advanced, minimally invasive surgical techniques whenever possible.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) comprise perhaps the most advanced set of infertility treatments available in the fertility specialist’s toolkit. These sophisticated techniques, performed in SCRC’s fertility clinic and IVF laboratory, have made pregnancy a reality for thousands of couples who thought they could never conceive. Some of the ART procedures available at SCRC include:

Other Infertility Treatments:

Infertility Treatment Doesn’t Automatically Mean IVF

Did you know: the overwhelming majority of infertility cases in the U.S. (85 to 90 percent) are treated with conventional therapies such as medical or surgical treatment, as opposed to IVF or assisted reproductive technology (ART)?
(Source: American Association for Reproductive Medicine)

Take the Next Step. Take advantage of the newest and best infertility treatments available. It’s easy.

Just call SCRC at (866) 312-0771 and speak with one of our friendly fertility consultants. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and schedule a consultation for you with your personal fertility specialist. If you prefer, click here to contact us.