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Sangita Kathleen Jindal, PhD, HCLD

Dr. Sangita Jindal is the Santa Barbara Lab Director of ART Reproductive Center and President, Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART).

Sangita Jindal earned her PhD in Physiology from the University of Toronto, Canada and became a high-complexity lab director in 1997. Dr. Jindal has served on the faculty at New Jersey Medical School-Rutgers, and for the last 20 years has been on the faculty at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York as an Associate Professor and Laboratory Director in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health. She has mentored grant-supported translational research projects for a number of trainees at academic programs, and is also an off-site lab director of private and academic IVF labs across the country. Dr. Jindal was President of the Society for Reproductive Biologists and Technologists (SRBT) in 2011, and currently serves on the Executive Council of SRBT and on the Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, among a number of other leadership roles. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of Fertility and Sterility Reviews, and the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, and is a reviewer for Human Reproduction and Fertility and Sterility. Dr. Jindal has published over sixty peer-reviewed journal articles and is regularly invited to speak at international meetings and conferences.


ASRM Today – A Review of Best Practices of Rapid-Cooling Vitrification for Oocytes and Embryos

SART Fertility Experts Podcast – Behind the Scenes in the IVF Lab